A suite of Minimal by Simon Ho
inspired by the paintings of Eugenio Corradi, Italy – Switzerland
Concerts in Switzerland with
Andi Hug - drums, vibraphon, marimba, percussion
Simon Ho - piano, samvadini, percussion
Special guests: Christian Brantchen – accordion, Mario Batkovic – accordion
CD-Release 2010: “C.O.D.E.S.”
A multiple musical – artistical projection
The painter Eugenio Corradi and the composer – musician Simon Ho both had a workroom on Klösterlistutz in Berne. Because each artist was curious about his neighbour’s work they paid each other visits and were even open enough to let themselves be inspired in their own creativity by the other’s ideas. That was made this co-operation possible.
It all started with a series of pictures titled “CODES” in which Eugenio Corradi, in an abstract style bordering on the concrete, painted a language of signs and symbols. Under the impression of these pictures Simon Ho composed a minimal – suite with the title “C.O.D.E.S.”.
For the graphic design of a CD-production Eugenio Corradi listened to the music again and translated Simon Ho’s piece “back” into his artistic language. The 220 CD sized originals he painted are called “Music Cards”.
So the unique product that you are holding in your hands is the result of a multiple musical – artistic projection which will continue in the heads of observers and listeners.
Peter Schranz, November 2009